
We launched Direkt36 in early 2015 to strengthen Hungary’s democracy through holding the powerful accountable and exposing social injustices. This kind of investigative journalism requires a full financial and editorial independence. Therefore, Direkt36 is maintained mainly through the donations of private individuals and with the support of institutional donors. Since its launch, Direkt36 received donations from more than 2.700 individuals on more than 11.000 occasions (for more details click here). The more supporters we have, the more capable organization we can build and with the more determination we can do our work. If you support us, you will become a member of the Direk36 community for a year, and we will give you an insight into this exciting job.

Invest in democracy!

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    10 EUR
    You will be the first one to learn about the result of our investigations from our insider newsletter. We will also share with you some behind-the-scenes information on our stories.
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    20 EUR
    In addition to the newsletter, you will also get our yearly e-book in which our reporters tell how they conducted their investigations. These stories are often more exciting than the actual articles.
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    50 EUR
    or monthly 4 EUR
    Beside the newsletter and the e-book you will get an invitation to our events where we discuss what we already uncovered and also what we should be investigating.
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    Partner +
    from 100 EUR
    or monthly 8 EUR
    On top of everything else we will share with you our methods and tips on data analysis and digital security. These are useful not only for journalists but everybody who works on the internet.
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In case you do not wish to use Paypal or credit card you can also support us through a traditional bank transfer.
 Bank transfer

Conditions of support

We account for your donations at the end of every year, so it will be transparent on what we spent your money. In case of donations larger than 5% of our expenses we sign a contract with the donor. The contract will make it clear that the donor will not influence our activities in any way, and that their name will appear on our webpage. In case of smaller donations, donors’ names are only published at the donors’ request. We do not accept donations from the Hungarian government, or companies owned by the Hungarian state or from Hungarian state funds, because monitoring these entities is an important part of our job, thus donations from them would cause conflict of interests. You can read our Privacy Policy here, the Terms and Conditions here, and you can find the list of our supporters here.