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Become an Insider, Partner, Friend or Supporter!

The most important information:
  • You can support us with any amount
  • Membership is valid for one year from the date of your last payment
  • You can stop your recurring payment any time, this is your decision
  • We take great care of your personal data and keep it only as long as it is required by law
  • Donations provided to Direkt36 do not legally qualify as a supply of goods or services. Therefore, we cannot issue invoices but we can provide you with a certificate
If you have any questions, please write to tamogatas@direkt36.hu!
By clicking on any of the buttons below you accept our Terms and Conditions. (If you choose PayPal, we will redirect you to the provider's website)
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from 100€

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Paypal or credit card

monthly 8€

The most important information:
  • You can support us with any amount
  • Membership is valid for one year from the date of your last payment
  • You can stop your recurring payment any time, this is your decision
  • We take great care of your personal data and keep it only as long as it is required by law
  • Donations provided to Direkt36 do not legally qualify as a supply of goods or services. Therefore, we cannot issue invoices but we can provide you with a certificate
If you have any questions, please write to tamogatas@direkt36.hu!
By clicking on any of the buttons below you accept our Terms and Conditions. (If you choose PayPal, we will redirect you to the provider's website)
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Paypal or credit card


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Paypal or credit card

monthly 4€

The most important information:
  • You can support us with any amount
  • Membership is valid for one year from the date of your last payment
  • You can stop your recurring payment any time, this is your decision
  • We take great care of your personal data and keep it only as long as it is required by law
  • Donations provided to Direkt36 do not legally qualify as a supply of goods or services. Therefore, we cannot issue invoices but we can provide you with a certificate
If you have any questions, please write to tamogatas@direkt36.hu!
By clicking on any of the buttons below you accept our Terms and Conditions. (If you choose PayPal, we will redirect you to the provider's website)
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Paypal or credit card


The most important information:
  • You can support us with any amount
  • Membership is valid for one year from the date of your last payment
  • You can stop your recurring payment any time, this is your decision
  • We take great care of your personal data and keep it only as long as it is required by law
  • Donations provided to Direkt36 do not legally qualify as a supply of goods or services. Therefore, we cannot issue invoices but we can provide you with a certificate
If you have any questions, please write to tamogatas@direkt36.hu!
By clicking on any of the buttons below you accept our Terms and Conditions. (If you choose PayPal, we will redirect you to the provider's website)
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Paypal or credit card


Who are we?

Direkt36 is a non-profit investigative reporting center that we launched in 2015 in response to the deterioration of independent journalism in Hungary. We keep a distance from the daily news cycle and focus all our efforts on holding the powerful to account and expose social injustices. Our team of eight people conducts long-term investigations on topics that other news organizations stay away from because of lack of resources or political pressure. In our projects, among others, we have exposed how the family of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been secretly receiving public funds; how Vladimir Putin’s Russia has expanded its influence in Hungary; how Hungary is becoming closer to China; and most recently, we were part of the team that published the Pegasus Project, an investigation into the global surveillance industry.

Why should you support us?

For Direkt36 the main revenue source is the donations coming from our supporting members. Their support is the guarantee of our independence and is the key for our sustainability. The more supporters we have, the stronger the organization can be in holding the powerful to account.

How can you support us?

Via PayPal or bank transfer. You can find more details by clicking on the supporter categories on the buttons above. It is important to note that we welcome any amount of support. Based on the amount you pay, you will be placed in a supporter category: Insider, Partner, Friend or Supporter of Direkt36. If you encounter any problems with the transfer, write to us at info@direkt36.hu and we will help you!

What do you get in return?

By joining the Direkt36 supporter community, you will not only get solid, fact-based investigative stories, but you will also have insight into this exciting work. You will be the first to learn about the results of our investigations and we will also share the behind-the-scenes details of our investigations with you. For more details, click on the individual sponsor categories on the buttons above.

Do you need help or have any questions? Contact us at info@direkt36.hu

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