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“The Dynasty” – here is Direkt36’s documentary about the economic empire of the Orbán family
Címke: Viktor Orbán
“The Dynasty” – here is Direkt36’s documentary about the economic empire of the Orbán family
Orbán and the economy, part 3: A tool for staying in power
Orbán and the economy, part two: Márton Nagy, the prime minister’s new economic magician
Orbán and the economy, part one: The rise and fall of György Matolcsy
Orbán blocked the idea that could have pushed out Russia from Hungary’s nuclear plant expansion
Secret documents reveal that Orbán’s people were behind the purchase of one of Europe’s biggest TV channels
Orbán, Judas and the gay lobby – behind Zoltán Balog’s attempt to rescue himself in his church
How Viktor Orbán tried to extinguish the pedophile pardon scandal that shook his government
Orbán’s true reasons for opposing Ukraine’s EU accession revealed
Uncovering the secret African mission of Viktor Orbán’s son