Swallowed EU Funds - Direkt36 - Page 2

Swallowed EU Funds

A longtime Fidesz operator’s path to EU billions

Our investigation shows the controversial role Ágoston Gubicza, a businessman with close ties to government figures, has been playing in state-funded venture programmes.

Internal document shows that EU criticized public venture capital projects ran by influential Hungarian businessmen

Details from the EU audit, which investigated the spendings of hundreds of billions of forints on start-ups in Hungary

Businessman close to Hungarian PM funded partner’s fledgling business with EU money

The business partner of Orbán’s friend had a factory, expected to be making 800 million HUF profit until the end of 2015. Eventually it made only 2 million. Its EU-funding was part of the very controversial Jeremie project.

Leaked documents expose Hungarian oil company CEO’s controversial role in an EU programme

(Magyar) A belső iratanyagból kiderül az is, hogy az EU olyan súlyos szabálytalanságokat talált, hogy többmilliárdos büntetést szabott ki.

Oil company CEO gave public money to the companies of his relative and long-time business partner

Leaked documents show that the EU’s venture capital programme in Hungary has been undermined by rule violations and misuse of public money.

Company Wins Major Public Contract Through False Claims

The company needed to show that they had done similar construction in the past so they brought a reference from Uruguay. But it was a lie.

While Hungary’s PM Attacks Brussels, His Brother’s Company Gets Money From The EU

A company co-owned by Győző Orbán Jr., the brother of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, received two EU grants this year.

Forrás: www.eupro.hu

The Hungarian PM’s son-in-law stepped back from public money. But his long-time business partner moved closer to it

For years, Endre Hamar was a close business partner of István Tiborcz, the son-in-law of the Hungarian prime minster. Hamar now became one of the first beneficiaries of the new European Union grant cycle, winning multiple public contracts.

Fotó: Németh Dániel

How Brussels took on the son-in-law of Hungary’s Prime Minister

Two EU investigations are being conducted into the state contracts that were given to Elios Innovatív under suspicious circumstances. If the wrongdoing is proven, Hungary could face financial penalties.

Forrás: Direkt36 - Pethő András

When companies become black holes for EU funds

Public money was given to companies to make them stronger but many of them ended up in bankruptcy. A co-owner of one of these firms later was hired by the state to run one of the most important public companies.