The Businesses of Orbán’s Family

“The Dynasty” – here is Direkt36’s documentary about the economic empire of the Orbán family

The documentary film by the investigative center tells the story of the business dealings of the Prime Minister’s family over several decades. With hidden camera footage, we also show the luxurious world built by Viktor Orbán’s son-in-law István Tiborcz and his daughter Ráhel Orbán.

EU Investigators Probing Orbán’s Son-in-Law Surveilled, Sparking Intelligence Agency Infighting

Direkt36 has revealed that during János Lázár’s administration, the Information Office was monitoring OLAF staff investigating suspicious projects linked to the son-in-law of Viktor Orbán. They tried to find these documents when people from other services invaded the office’s headquarters in the summer of 2018.

A Dorothea Hotel – Fotó: BDPST Group

Orbán family’s luxury hotel profits from EU leaders’ Budapest summit

The Hungarian EU Presidency has proposed several hotels for guests arriving for the summit on 7-8 November. According to Direkt36, the Dorothea Hotel, owned by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s son-in-law, has been specifically recommended to the guests.

Áron Orbán promotes both diet-food and weapons. Meanwhile, pro-government businessmen are popping up around him

The company of the prime minister’s brother runs a shop of Norbert Schobert’s chain in Croatia. The gun shop he regularly advertises is building a shooting range on his land and has won an EU tender.

IT entrepreneur with ties to Viktor Orbán’s family has further grown his business empire built on state tenders

Information technology businessman Gábor Szentgyörgyi has had close relations to Viktor Orbán’s family for a long time now. It started with a connection to Győző Orbán junior, the prime minister’s brother, through wrestling, then he showed up in the company of the prime minister and his father, Győző Orbán senior in a football stadium, and […]

Entrepreneur enriched by state tenders starts a new business on the Orbáns’ family land

Gábor Szentgyörgyi, a wrestling acquaintance of Viktor Orbán’s brother, has so far been a big winner in state tenders with his IT group, but now he is starting a plastic business on the Orbán-family’s estates.

The big winners of favorable state loans in Hungary? Viktor Orbán’s son-in-law and his circle

The state-owned Hungarian Development Bank provided 166 million euros in loans to PM Orbán’s son-in-law and his business partners. It almost fully covered the purchase of one of Budapest’s landmark hotels by one of the richest Hungarians.

Inside the secrets of the Orbán family’s businesses

Viktor Orbán claims that he does not have any savings, but his family members have earned millions of euros in recent years, partly from public money from the Hungarian state and the European Union. We explain how we investigated the businesses of Orbán’s family in an animated video.

Orbán’s son-in-law and his associates among beneficiaries of favorable state COVID-loans

The loan for small- and medium-sized companies was announced by governor of Hungary’s Central Bank György Matolcsy at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Only a few received loans as high as István Tiborcz and two of his associates.

The mine of the Orbán family pays the highest dividend among its competitors

According to the latest data available, Dolomit Kft. paid 1,8 billion forints (4,98 million euros) as dividends in 2019, which is more than the thirteen times more than the sectorial average.