“If you are new to this, I’ll see you through it all the way” – The internet is full of ads in Hungarian recruiting sex workers, but authorities see no problem with them

The Ministry of Interior says there is no problem with hospital-acquired infections. However, a leaked document says they know the situation is serious

In England, the cleaner is the most important person in the hospital. How did other countries manage to decrease hospital-acquired infections?

“We just spread the bacteria all over the hospital” – Why is the prevalence of dangerous hospital-acquired infections growing in Hungary?

Until now, it was a secret how Hungarian hospitals were dealing with infections. Direkt36 has created and now publishes their ranking.

Thousands of hospital patients are dying from terrible infections. Instead of addressing the situation, the government is working to cover it up

The owners of private equity funds, which hide huge wealth, have been removed from the state register, after Direkt36 published an article about them

Bracing for US sanctions, Russian financier in Budapest was busy securing personal offshore assets, leaked documents reveal

“We need to pressure” the Hungarians – Leaked documents reveal collapse of Russian-led bank in Budapest