Government’s friends get a chance to profit from the economic downturn
Several government-close people, including a Fidesz politician, entered the liquidation market, which will likely become a profitable business following the eco...

Inside Viktor Orbán’s slow response to the second wave of COVID19
Fidesz politicians believed in the forecast of Central Bank president György Matolcsy that the pandemic would only have a mild impact on the Hungarian economy,...

Opposition politician profited from business deals with the Hungarian government’s inner circles. Now, the EU has identified irregularities in several of their deals
Direkt36 reported that Gergő Czeglédy, a well-connected politician from the Hungarian Socialist Party, won lucrative state contracts jointly with government-c...

Secret battles of Orban’s rival – Budapest’s first year under opposition rule
What conflicts emerged between Gergely Karácsony and Ferenc Gyurcsány? What did Antal Rogán tell the mayor? Who are the most influential people at Budapest...

An internal document reveals a problematic real estate transaction financed by Hungary’s state bank
According to an internal document obtained by Direkt36 the state-owned Eximbank identified several risks related to a Budapest real estate development project. ...

“Mr. Russia” is now helping Viktor Orbán’s government to nurture German relations
Klaus Mangold, an influential German businessman with links to the European and Russian business elites has been advising the Orbán-government for many years. ...

Nuclear power plant Paks 2 rescheduled to favor the Russians
After two years of negotiations, the Hungarian government adopted during the epidemic an important legal modification related to the Paks nuclear expansion. Fro...

People close to Orban’s advisor appear in controversial Russia-connected megaproject
Preparations for a megaproject in which a Russian-Hungarian company will supply 1300 rail cars to Egypt seem to have accelerated. Simultaneously, people close t...

How the epidemic disrupted Orbán’s machinery
While in the past ten years the government seemed to operate with almost military-style discipline, the last few weeks brought several U-turns from the Orbán a...

After 15 years of constant reorganization, Hungarian epidemiology was hit hard by coronavirus
Socialist governments crippled the network of state laboratories, Fidesz cut the epidemiologists' central institution into pieces before trying to reverse the r...