András is a co-founder, editor and executive director of Direkt36. Previously, he was a senior editor for leading Hungarian news site Origo before it had been transformed into the government’s propaganda outlet. He also worked for the BBC World Service in London and was a reporter at the investigative unit of The Washington Post. He has contributed to several international reporting projects, including The Panama Papers. He twice won the Soma Prize, the prestigious annual award dedicated to investigative journalism in Hungary. He was a World Press Institute fellow in 2008, a Humphrey fellow at the University of Maryland in 2012/13, and a Nieman fellow at Harvard University in 2019/20. András has taught journalism courses at Hungarian universities.
The phone calls played in court show the extraordinarily close relationship between two defendants of the corruption trial, a former notary and a businessman....
After a lawsuit that lasted for more than two years, the government disclosed where János Lázár, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, stayed during his tri...
Details of more than 200 thousand offshore companies are made public. The information is coming from the leaked documents known as the Panama Papers....
How members of the Hungarian business elite, including Sándor Csányi, the wealthiest person in the country, use offshore companies? The Panama Papers reveal n...
A leggazdagabb magyarok közül is szerepelnek többen a kiszivárgott offshore-dokumentumokban. Köztük van Matolcsy György unokatestvére, Szemerey Tamás i...
Laszlo Boldvai made this decision after Direkt36 exposed, as part of the Panama Papers project, that his wife had an offshore company with a Swiss bank account....
Socialist politician László Boldvai's wife is a high school teacher but drives a BMW and had an offshore company with a Swiss bank account. A new story from t...