Hospital-acquired infections

Hungary has lagged behind Europe in the fight against hospital-acquired infections for the past five years

Although Hungarian hospitals have made some progress, they still lag significantly behind the European average. Direkt36 has obtained data showing which Hungarian hospitals are lagging behind the most in taking infection tests or hand disinfection.
Orbán és a gazdaság

Orbán and the economy, part 3: A tool for staying in power

Although Viktor Orbán has amassed considerable knowledge of economics over the decades, he sometimes has serious shortcomings. And he has now become the prime architect of economic policy, while creating a system in which it is difficult to get back to him when there is a problem with an idea. The final part of the Direkt36 series of articles on the Hungarian economy is the behind-the-scenes story of Orbán's economic policy.
Orbán és a gazdaság

Orbán and the economy, part two: Márton Nagy, the prime minister’s new economic magician

The inside story of the quick rise of Márton Nagy, the minister in charge of rebooting the economy. He keeps making enemies both inside and outside the government but still enjoys the trust of Viktor Orbán.
Orbán és a gazdaság

Orbán and the economy, part one: The rise and fall of György Matolcsy

In recent years, the Hungarian economy, which has been dominated for nearly a decade and a half by prime minister Viktor Orbán and a few of his confidants, has been struggling. What kind of infighting has been going on between them, and how has Orbán’s thinking on economic policy has evolved? The first part of our behind-the-scenes account focuses on the relationship of Orbán and central bank president György Matolcsy, the prime minister’s longtime ally who is now a fierce critic of the government’s economic policies.

How the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front extends its influence to Hungarian Associations

In several countries, people from what is said to be the Chinese state party's intelligence agency have been exposed for trying to influence local politics. The United Front has extensive network in Hungary as well.
Offshore Secrets

The son of the Hungarian National Bank’s governor rented a luxury villa in Dubai

Direkt36 has obtained an official document according to which Ádám Matolcsy, who got rich with the help of state funds, rented a villa worth HUF 3.5 billion (EUR 9.4 million) in Dubai. It is a property advertised as having at least eight bathrooms and a private beach.

Outstanding salaries, inconsistent performance among teachers – new internal data leaked on MCC spendings

Direkt36 has obtained additional internal documents regarding the expenses of the government-affiliated educational institution. These documents reveal that certain instructors receive exceptionally high salaries compared to the standards of Hungarian higher education, while their performance is inconsistent.
Secrets of the Propaganda Machine

Ex-wife of Antal Rogan is still making huge business successes with her tabloid. Alongside pro-government companies, ATV and Index are also behind it

Once again, the company publishes the online tabloid Top World News has made a profit of more than HUF 1 billion. According to Direkt36's research, the site is still full of government and pro-government advertisements, and has been cited several times by ATV's news site and Index.
Offshore Secrets

Dubai luxury apartments bought by a company linked to the inner circle of the son of Hungary’s central bank governor

As part of the Dubai Unlocked investigation, Direkt36 has found that a company with links to the inner circle of Ádám Matolcsy, the son of the Hungarian central bank's president, has bought several luxury apartments in Dubai.

Secret documents reveal that Orbán’s people were behind the purchase of one of Europe’s biggest TV channels

Two years ago, a Portuguese businessman with good Hungarian government connections bought the Euronews TV channel. Direkt36, together with Le Monde and Expresso, found out that a large part of the money was provided by a Hungarian state capital fund and a long-standing player in the government propaganda machine. According to leaked internal documents, the investment also had political aims.
The Russian Connection

Orbán blocked the idea that could have pushed out Russia from Hungary’s nuclear plant expansion

Last year, there were talks in government circles about starting building a third nuclear power plant with the French, which could have led to the insignificance of the Russian-built Paks II. Direkt36 learned new details about the Orbán government's big power maneuvers in nuclear issues.
Advisors of the State

Minister Péter Szijjártó was at the forefront of the construction of a BMW factory. His old friend’s company also benefited from the work

The government has given huge amounts of support to help build the factory in Debrecen. Direkt36 found out that a company owned a few years ago by an old friend and colleague of the Foreign Minister was involved in the works.
The Russian Connection

Orbán’s true reasons for opposing Ukraine’s EU accession revealed

According to information obtained by Direkt36, prime minister Orbán said at a closed-door meeting last spring that Ukraine's accession would increase US influence in the region. He also said that he had warned French President Emmanuel Macron about this but that he did not fully understand Orbán's calculations.
Hospital-acquired infections

“Washing our hands” – here is the documentary uncovering the secrets of hospital-acquired infections

Direkt36 has spent more than a year investigating the worsening situation of hospital-acquired infections in Hungary. Watch our documentary film that tells the story of several victims and exposes the shortcomings of the Hungarian health-care system that lead to the problem.

It is rare to see in such detail the astonishing disappearance of taxpayer billions

Direkt36 uncovered another story about the operations of a state company that secretly financed several important projects of the Orbán government. Internal documents reveal in great detail how nearly 7 billion forints got stuck in the failed bank of György Matolcsy's cousin.
Hidden assets

The hidden €664 million: the vast majority of donations to European political parties come from unknown sources

An international team of investigative journalists has examined donations to major European political parties. In Hungary this practice is more or less transparent, but there are some problems with party funding
Swallowed EU Funds

The government official asked for two million forints instead of sausages – here is the indictment on the theft of EU money involving ministries

Direkt36 has also obtained the indictment, which reveals a series of fraudulent practices involving EU tenders. According to the document, Tamás K. and his accomplices, a consultant working in the Ministry of National Economy and its successor, the Ministry of Finance, built up a corruption network involving dozens of people over the years. According to the prosecutors, Gyula Barta-Eke, a member of László Palkovics' circle, and a former deputy state secretary, Tamás Karsai, were also involved in some of the frauds.

MCC’s luxury spending leaked, from a €250 thousand winter camp to blatantly expensive receptions

While at other colleges students prepare a few sandwiches for their events, the taxpayer-funded Mathias Corvinus Collegium spends huge sums on parties and events, foreign hotels and hosting international guests sympathetic to the government. Direkt36 used insider information to reveal MCC's luxury spending.
Pardon scandal

Orbán, Judas and the gay lobby – behind Zoltán Balog’s attempt to rescue himself in his church

The pardon scandal has shaken Zoltán Balog's position within the Reformed Church, but in recent weeks he has managed to consolidate his power. According to a Direkt36 investigation, the bishop has succeeded in making people believe that the whole church is under attack and has assured everyone that PM Viktor Orbán entrusted him to handle the matter.

Editors stand by the attacked Atlatszo

(Magyar) A nemrég elfogadott szuverenitásvédelmi törvényre hivatkozva indult propagandisztikus támadás az Átlátszó ellen épp a sajtószabadság ünnepéhez közeledve.
Secrets of the Propaganda Machine

How Orbán flooded Central Europe with millions of online ads during election season

While the Hungarian government is very sensitive to its own sovereignty, it has also been running serious advertising campaigns in Slovakia and Poland, among others, during the elections there. Direkt36 analyzed the available data on the Hungarian government’s advertising campaign targeting seven countries.

“If you are new to this, I’ll see you through it all the way” – The internet is full of ads in Hungarian recruiting sex workers, but authorities see no problem with them

Although encouraging prostitution is a criminal offence In Hungary, the authorities say there is nothing wrong with openly advertising foreign sex work to Hungarian women. Direkt36 looked behind the sex work advertisements as part of an international investigative project.
Hospital-acquired infections

Some Hungarian hospitals have been facing a serious infection situation for years. Yet nothing happens to them

Never before has it been possible to get a deeper look into the most frightening corners of the Hungarian health system. Direkt36 has obtained the latest data on hospital-acquired infections between 2017 and 2022.
Pardon scandal

How Viktor Orbán tried to extinguish the pedophile pardon scandal that shook his government

The government initially hoped that they could get away with it, but when they saw the internal polls, they knew they had to act. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán personally directed the reponse that led to the forced resignation of Hungary's president and a former minister. Direkt36 has uncovered new details about the what happened behind the scenes in the government during the pardon scandal.